New material to the syllabus highlighted in blue
Material modified from the old syllabus in yellow
Material moved from options to core syllabus
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Inquiry question: What is light?
- investigate Maxwell’s contribution to the classical theory of electromagnetism, including:
- unification of electricity and magnetism
- prediction of electromagnetic waves
- prediction of velocity (ACSPH113)
- describe the production of electromagnetic waves and relate these processes qualitatively to the predictions made by Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (ACSPH112, ACSPH113)
- conduct investigation of historical and contemporary methods used to determine the speed of light and its current relationship to the measurement of time and distance (ACSPH082)
- conduct an investigation to examine a variety of spectra produced by discharge tubes, reflected sunlight or incandescent filaments
- investigate how spectrometry can be used to provide information about:
- the identification of elements
- investigate how the spectra of stars can provide information on:
- surface temperature
- rotational and translational velocity
- density
- chemical composition
Resource – Maxwell and Electromagnetism – 2 pages
Investigation – Spectroscopy- 3 pages
Resource-Stellar Spectra-5 pages
Light: Wave Model
Inquiry question: What evidence supports the classical wave model of light and what predictions can be made using this model?
- conduct investigations to analyse qualitatively the diffraction of light (ACSPH048, ACSPH076)
- conduct investigations to analyse quantitatively the interference of light using double slit apparatus and diffraction gratings
(ACSPH116, ACSPH117, ACSPH140)
- analyse the experimental evidence that supported the models of light that were proposed by Newton and Huygens (ACSPH050, ACSPH118, ACSPH123)
- conduct investigations quantitatively using the relationship of Malus’s Law
for plane polarisation of light, to evaluate the significance of polarisation in developing a model for light (ACSPH050, ACSPH076, ACSPH 120)
Resource – Newton vs Huygens – 2 pages
Light: Quantum Model
Inquiry question: What evidence supports the particle model of light and what are the implications of this evidence for the development of the quantum model of light?
- analyse the experimental evidence gathered about black body radiation, including Wein’s Law
related to Plank’s contribution to a changed model of light (ACSPH137)
- investigate the evidence from photoelectric effect investigations that demonstrated inconsistency with the wave model for light (ACSPH087, ACSPH123, ACSPH137)
- analyse the photoelectric effect
as it occurs in metallic elements by applying the law of conservation of energy and the photon model of light, (ACSPH119)
Light and special relativity
Inquiry question: How does the behaviour of light affect concepts of time, space and matter?
- analyse and evaluate the evidence confirming or denying Einstein’s two postulates:
- the speed of light in a vacuum is an absolute constant
- all inertial frames of reference are equivalent (ACSPH131)
- investigate the evidence, from Einstein’s thought experiments and subsequent experimental validation, for time dilation
- and length contraction
, and analyse quantitatively situations in which these are observed, for example:
- observations of cosmic-origin muons at the Earth’s surface
- atomic clocks (Hafele-Keating experiment)
- evidence from particle accelerators
- evidence from cosmological studies
- describe the consequences and applications of relativistic momentum with reference to:
- the limitation on the maximum velocity of a particle imposed by special relativity (ACSPH133)
- Use Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence relationship EQN to calculate the energy released by processes in which mass is converted to energy, for example: (ACSPH134)
- production of energy by the sun
- particle-antiparticle interactions, e.g. positron-electron annihilation
- combustion of conventional fuel
Resource – Special Relativity – 3 pages