Year 11 – Electricity and Magnetism

New material to the syllabus highlighted in blue
Material modified from the old syllabus in yellow
  • conduct investigations to describe and analyse qualitatively and quantitatively:
    • processes by which objects become electrically charged (ACSPH002)
    • the forces produced by other objects as a result of their interactions with charged objects (ACSPH103)
    • variables that affect electrostatic forces between those objects (ACSPH103)
  • using the electric field lines representation, model qualitatively the direction and strength of electric fields produced by:
    • simple point charges
    • pairs of charges
    • dipoles
    • parallel charged plates
  • apply the electric field model to account for and quantitatively analyse interactions between charged objects using:
    • \vec{E} = \frac{\vec{F}}{q}
    • E = -\frac{V}{d}
    • {F} = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_{0}} \times \frac{q_1 q_2}{r^2}
  • analyse the effects of a moving charge in an electric field, in order to relate potential energy, work and equipotential lines, by applying: (ACSPH105)
    • V = \frac{\Delta U}{q}, where U is potential energy and q is the charge

Resource – Electric Potential and Work – 2 pages

Electric Circuits
  • investigate the flow of electric current in metals and apply models to represent current, including:
    • I = \frac{q}{t} (ACSPH038)
  • investigate quantitatively the current-voltage relationships in ohmic and non-ohmic resistors to explore the usefulness and limitations of Ohm’s Law using:
    • V = \frac{w}{q}
    • R = \frac{V}{t} (ACSPH003, ACSPH041, ACSPH043)
  • investigate quantitatively and analyse the rate of conversion of electrical energy in components of electric circuits, including the production of heat and light, by applying P = VI and E = Pt   (ACSPH042)
  • investigate qualitatively and quantitatively series and parallel circuits to relate the flow of current through the individual components, the potential differences across those components and the rate of energy conversion by the components to the laws of conservation of charge and energy, by deriving the following relationships (ACSPH038, ACSPH039, ACSPH044)
    • \Sigma{I} = 0 (Kirchoff’s current law – conservation of charge)
    • \Sigma{V} = 0 (Kirchoff’s voltage law – conservation of energy)
    • R_{series} = R_{1} + R_{2} + ...+ R_{n}
    • \frac{1}{R_{parallel}} = \frac{1}{R_1} +\frac{1}{R_2} +...+\frac{1}{R_n}

Resource – Electric Circuits – Worked Examples – 3 pages

Resource – Electric Circuits and Kirchoffs Law – 6 pages

  • investigate quantitatively the application of the law of conservation of energy to the heating effects of electric currents, including the application of P = VI and variations of this involving Ohm’s Law (ACSPH043)

Resource – Heating Effects in Electric Circuits – 2 pages

  • investigate and describe qualitatively the force produced between magnetised and magnetic materials in the context of ferromagnetic materials (ACSPH079)
  • use magnetic field lines to model qualitatively the direction and strength of magnetic fields produced by magnets, current-carrying wires and solenoids and relate these fields to their effect on magnetic materials that are placed within them (ACSPH083)
  • conduct investigations into and describe quantitatively the magnetic fields produced by wires and solenoids, including: (ACSPH106, ACSPH107)
    • B = \frac{\mu_0 I}{2 \pi r}
    • B = \frac{\mu_0 NI}{L}
  • investigate and explain the process by which ferromagnetic materials become magnetised (ACSPH083)
  • apply models to represent qualitatively and describe quantitatively the features of magnetic fields

Resource – Ferromagnets – 2 pages
Resource – Magnetic Fields – 2 pages

PDF – All ‘Electricity and Magnetism’ Documents
PDF – All Year 11 Modules